Hi Sean,
I understand that information is changed daily and often on the morning of the trustee sale.? But in order to stay efficient with my due diligence; how many days prior to the actual action date can I start reviewing opportunities with my foreclosureradar.com data?
John - it depends a lot on the County. Typically it takes us 5-10 days from recording to publishing, and Notices of Trustee Sale have to be posted at least 14 days before the sale. Fortunately most trustees usually post earlier than 14 days, and most foreclosures postpone at least once which typically provides another 30 days. There are a couple of counties that are really slow in getting us data. In those counties we may publish the data after the first sale on some portion of the notices.
If there is a postponement of a TDS, Is it posted on Foreclosure Radar ASAP. Most locations are a good hour away not counting traffic. Would I be informed a bit?before auction sale time so?I can save myself the time and gas if it the TDS I’m interested in is in fact postponed? Thank you for your great info!
No such luck. It varies a ton by lender, and it may not be announced until the time of sale.
PropertyRadar’s new application improves on many of the points mentioned in this post. ?Recording times have improved, postponements are tracked, etc. ?To learn more about the new application, please visit www.propertyradar.com/features. ?If you have any questions, please contact support!