I purchased a house at auction, fixed it, listed it and it is now in escrow. The buyer’s lender is requiring a 90 seasoning period before they will approve a loan. I have heard of this on FHA loans, but thought that the anti-flipping rule had been recinded. Any thoughts on this?
As I understand it, the anti-flipping was only rescinded for bank owned properties… still impacts the rest of us. Try to avoid FHA when flipping, and try to go after offers with the largest downpayment.
You cannot do a flip on FHA. I do have Investors that will do Conv flipps and VA flipps.
We have a short term private capital program in place that can be used to refinance a property purchased at foreclosure, free up working capital, and get taken out once the 90 day FHA period has expired. Feel free to call or email me: david@minerscapitalinc.com or 805.484.7800