Interested in finding a good weebiste for foreclosure auctions in Florida. Is there a good website like this one for Florida?
need florida foreclouser and
You may want to contact your local title company to see if they can refer you to a site that covers Florida. You can also contact a Realtor in your area that specializes in foreclosures and they should be able to guide you as well.
I used Foreclosure Radar in AZ and was also considering FL. Did you come up with any reporting service that is similar? Thanks, Les
Don’t forget that Florida is a Judicial foreclosure state - meaning all foreclosures are handled by the Court system. Most (all?) counties now allow you to register online to bid - altho I think you can still show up at Court to bid as well. Go to to get started in getting an idea of what goes on in the handling of Dade (Miami) County foreclosures. You can get a calendar listings of all foreclosures scheduled by the Court. As I recall, Broward County (Ft. Lauderdale) works the same way. As I recall, you can “poke around” the Court files online to get more detailed info. I do not know if there is a service like FR that would save some of the tedium. of researching.
Will you ever expand ForeclosureRadar to Florida? I really wish I could use your services in FL. Thanks
I never got into this in Fl. Just did a cursory investigation for a few days in Miami-Dade and Broward Counties. A lot of information is online by reading Court files. And, as I mentioned above, you can bid online. Have no idea what happens in the real world of buying foreclosures and whether there are bargains. I can’t recall if I ran across any services.
What county are you in?
HI Zury, We do not have any immediate plans to open in Florida but we are always examining expansion opportunities. The states that we currently cover are Non-Judicial states and Florida is a Judicial state which means that it would be a completely different tracking process for us. I personally love Florida and if we ever opened there I would be the first one to volunteer to relocate. For a complete list of areas we currently cover see: To be notified when we add service in a particular state, please signup here: