My investment company works in Phoenix at the trustee sales and have set up a good relationship with a local title company here, I am looking for a title officer to assist in reviewing title before auctions and closing them on the sales side. If you are a title officer or have a relationship with one we would like to hear from you, we plan on purchasing as much as possible at auction and will deliver all deals over to you on the back end of the deal.
Hello Mike, my name is Simon Wu of Advantage Title. Michelle was very nice to refer you to me, and I am writing back to you to introduce myself.
Yes, I can provide services to do title search before auctions(which i have been doing lots for past 2-3 years.) and our company offer REO rates when you close them on the sale side. REO rate means 50% of regular title rates which no other title company can match.
Pls either email me or call me for any more information. email:, or my cell 626 589 8822.
Thank you.
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