Maybe foreclosures might be on a slight rise in the future, though as Bruce Norris mentioned last night in a webinar it is not likely they will become bank owned REOs. It might be interesting to check out the data so I was wondering what the overall difference is between PropertyRadar and who also has NODs, liens, etc? One difference I noticed is that with PropertyRadar one can export data into a CRM or spreadsheet whereas is a closed system with no APIs.
What else should I be aware of?
Hi Dennis,
Thanks for asking. Primary differences:
- We cover all properties, not just foreclosures.
- In addition to nationwide notices, like, we also track foreclosure auction postponements, cancellations and sales with updates every 15 minutes for every trustee sale (non-judicial foreclosure) in 7 states. They offer little or none of this data. Do note that this is an optional service that is not included in our base packages. See Track and Complete Track at
- We have more criteria (filters) for searching foreclosures and lots more criteria that allow you to also look for other types of distress like HOA liens, tax delinquencies, vacants, etc. Or non-distressed off-market properties.
- We offer built-in marketing tools, as well as integrations to 4,000+ 3rd party applications.
- We include detailed transaction histories, comparables, investment analysis, etc.
This just barely scratches the surface. The underlying foreclosure notice data between the two services is similar, but we do a lot more. If you are a consumer interested in seeing if there are any foreclosures in your area we’d recommend Zillow’s free data or paying for to get just a bit more data. If you are a pro who is actively acquiring property we are a much better fit. As you already found out we both offer trials so pretty easy to decide for yourself. 
Thanks Sean, that is very helpful in understanding the differences and how it might apply to the outcomes one is looking to achieve.
Yes, we definitely have NODs. Our foreclosure data is the best of any provider with far more search options. Check out our ForeclosureStage.