Targeting new homeowners for interior design business

Has anyone had success using PropertyRadar to target new homeowners? I am an interior designer and want to target people who may need home improvements or begin to better understand my potential clients.

You can find demographic data on people in your target market and data on new homeowners. Here are some tips for you in order to better understand your niche. Think about your ideal client and answer these questions:
• where does he/she live?
• what is his/her age?
• is he/she single or have a family?

Thanks Hailey. Are there any specific criteria on PropertyRadar that you would recommend using for my lists?

Hi Linda. Check out owner demographic criteria (age, marital status, gender, children, etc.) and once you’ve created a list, look at Property Profiles. Hope this helps! Reach out to support or check out our Help Center for tips and tricks.

You can use the Transfer Search or Make a List to target new homeowners. The purpose would be to filter for all recently purchased properties, for example: all single family properties purchased in the past 60 days. If you would like us to walk you through, please schedule a call with Support.