How will the TCPA affect our ability to make calls and send texts on Property Radar?
Hi Anthony,
Thanks for posting. No change here at PropertyRadar. We have always required our customers to comply with all applicable laws including the TCPA and the related TSR. I realize that is little help for what you likely want to know… can you make calls or not. What’s tough on that front is that it is impossible to say without knowing a lot more about who you are (there are exemptions for certain organizations), who you are calling, and for what purpose (exemptions again for certain purposes). Your best bet might be to start with an LLM like ChatGPT with as many specifics as possible to get an idea of what compliance might entail. And if you want to really be careful, your best bet is to get an attorney’s opinion - we won’t be able to do that here, we can’t give legal advice. And please understand that our official position will always be that compliance is your responsibility and that we require it. With that said, given the reality that there are so many laws today that we likely break one every minute, my two cents is that it ultimately comes down to whether the people you call like what you have to say. If they do, you aren’t likely to be reported or have any issues even if you aren’t 100% compliant.
Hope that is at least a little bit helpful.