I’m looking for an appropriate script for door knocking homeowner’s that have had NOD’s recorded. Any suggestions?
We always gather all of the data possible from ForeclosureRadar, including the loan amount, lender, loan servicer, date of trustee sale, etc. Then when you approach the homeowners (door knock), it is a warm introduction, where you are there to help. 99% of all homeowners want to do a loan mod, and we have developed great relationships with Fannie and Freddie, so that we can get loan modification approval or denial (short sale) within 30 days. We also negotiate short sales for anyone in CA, and have a 96% approval for sellers with failed loan mod attempts. The key is in the numbers, and the more that you do, the more homeowners you help, the more you will build relationships, referrals, and commission income.
Thank you for the information. Do you say anything special the first time you approach the homeowner?
Thanks KP. In all of our webinars on reaching out to homeowners we alway stress developing a relationship, helping them understand their options and answering any questions. So many homeowners do not even understand the foreclosure process or how much time they have. If you go out with answers to their frequently asked questions that is a great way to start a conversation. We discuss this at length in our Short Sale webinar. You can register for our free webinars by clicking on the following link: https://www.foreclosureradar.com/webinars.