When I export search results it doesnt have a column for the NOD date. ?The data is however available if I look at the detail for a particular property. ?Is there any way to add this column to the exported data?
Hi Derek,
Good news! ?The NOD recording date is one of the exported fields. ?You can find the NOD recording date in your export under the heading RECORDING DATE column AC, which between the EST TOTAL LOAN BAL and the TRUSTEE headings. ?
If you do not see this column in your export or you need more assistance with ForeclosureRadar, please contact us here at support@foreclosureradar.com and we will be happy to help you out.
I think i might have posted this in the wrong section, but I was talking about an export of data from PROPERTYRADAR.COM.
There is no RECORDING DATE column in the export from Property Radar.?
Thanks for your help.
Derek - The recording date is a field in the PropertyRadar export, as well as in ForeclosureRadar. In Property Radar, recording date is located between Estimated total loan balance (AA) and Trustee (AC) in column (AB) Recording date. Please let me know if you need more assistance with your export - you can reach me at support@foreclosureradar.com and I can walk you through exporting from PropertyRadar.