Nod list for specific lenders??

Do you provide the Notice of DEfault list for specific lenders

Looking for NOD list for specific lenders

Yes, you can search NOD’s by specific lenders using

how do i sign up to get notification of specific lenders. where do i tell you whcih lenders I want to see post the NOD

where do i tell them which lenders i am looking to work with?

You can search all Notice of Defaults and Notices of Trustee Sale in ForeclosureRadar under the Foreclosure Details area in the search bar. On the right side of the window you will see a space to list the name of the lender. Remember that you can always do a search of all notices in your area and sort alphabetically by lender in the list view to see which lenders are foreclosing in your area. You can also use the ForeclosureRadar Short Sale report to see valuable information on each lender. If you need help you can always email