During routine county clerk-recorder?s Grantor/Grantee index title searches, I notice many recorded Trust Deed/Loan entries are not listed on ForeclosureRadar?s ?Transaction History Details? section for certain properties. I presume these unlisted Trust Deed/Loan entries are related to other properties owned by the same person. Should I be confident that these unlisted entries are really not related to the specific property being researched on ForeclosureRadar? What kind of due diligence has FR perform to make such determination?
Hi Edog,
It is likely that these loans are on other properties that this person owns. Obviously accuracy is important to us and we do our best to make sure that we are reporting all loans on the property but we do encourage you to read the disclaimer attached to our transaction history. Obviously accuracy is important to us but it would be irresponsible to say that there is not a margin of error. Even title companies make mistakes and that is why you buy title insurance.
We do show transfers, Deeds of Trust, Foreclosure Notices and Assignments. We do not show reconveyances or subordinations or IRS or mechanics liens. As the manager of the support department at ForeclosureRadar I have not had anyone report that we were missing recorded Deeds of Trust in the transaction history.
Thanks Michelle. I am new to this auction investing business, currently doing lots of title searches and paper trading, before I actually commit capital at the court house steps. Just to be clear, will it be fine or is it a sound practice to not read the actual ?unlisted? deeds of trust especially when I could see other ?unlisted? grant deeds recorded under the same person?s name? As I do my practice run, I really appreciate your hand holding along the way.